Services Offered

Individual Therapy

Life can be such a challenge, and there's not an owner’s manual or clear cut direction given on how to become the best version ourselves that we can be. As we travel our path, we discover more about who we are, but the time might come when we find ourselves stuck, fearful or confused. Unfortunately, we're often unaware of the ways in which we've stopped growing and living vibrantly until anxiety, depression or some compulsive or addictive behavior affects our lives. Psychotherapy offers a pathway to change and engage our lives more fully.

Everyone has their own reasons for seeking out therapist. It can be anything from a negative review at work, to a relationship conflict with a family member, a partner or another loved one that is causing you discomfort, or a specific event in your life has triggered unfamiliar emotions. Other reasons that have people looking for help are dealing with a major loss, navigating a positive, yet still challenging life transition or simply feeling stuck. Sometimes moments in our life transitions are accompanied by:

  • Painful emotions such as shame, anger, sadness and helplessness
  • Inability to self-comfort
  • Anxiety, uncertainty and fear
  • A low self-esteem
  • Sense of isolation and difficulty connecting with others
  • Struggles with identity
  • Overwhelming emotions or limited awareness of feelings

Whatever you're reasons, in our work together I'll provide a safe and supportive environment to help you better understand and address the issues in your life that are holding you back. 

Couples Therapy

Intimate relationships are filled with ups and downs, we know that. Yet after we decide to commit ourselves to someone else and love them wholeheartedly, we inevitably face conflicts and challenges. The object of our affection seemingly becomes the root of our problems; paradise becomes hell.

The more intimate the relationship, the more vulnerable we become, and the more we see our issues and conflicts arising. Managing our own life experience can be difficult enough; adding someone else to the mix can be overwhelming. When that happens, the ability to experience the “we” is lost, making it difficult to remain united as a loving couple.

My focus with you and your partner will be to help the two of you explore what's really going on, to give each of you the freedom and space to speak honestly and be heard differently, allowing the art of true communication to come thru. With help, conversation can flow easier, topics can be broached that were unreachable before, and resolution can become a reality. Here are some of the topics we could look at:

  •  Communication Problems 
  •  Blended Families
  •  Coping with Extramarital Affairs
  •  Dealing with Separation & Divorce 
  •  Stage of Life Issues 
  •  Dual Career Couples 
  •  Financial Stress

Walkin Talkin Therapy


The healing powers of nature have been a belief I have held on to throughout my life. As I began thinking about my own private practice, I knew the outdoors would somehow find its way into the work I do. WalkinTalkinTherapy was born of this vision. What I have found in working with clients over the years, while combining the simplicity of walking outdoors with talk therapy, the approach of being active during session helps patients relax and open up quicker. 

A number of studies have documented the psychological benefits of exercise. While scientists have long known that a workout can temporarily boost serotonin levels and improve mood, the latest research shows that exercise can have a deeper and more lasting effect. One article in the American Journal of Preventive Medicine last year found a correlation between the intensity of exercise and a reduction in depression. A 2005 study published in the Journal of Neuroscience found that exercise increases the growth of neuronal brain cells, possibly elevating mood permanently. Advocates of the combined approach say that being active during the session helps patients to relax and open up, and some patients say they find it easier to talk while looking forward and walking, rather than staring the therapist in the eye. Combining therapy with nature and activity isn’t new. In the late 1800s, Sigmund Freud walked with some of his patients through the streets of Vienna.

  • It encourages a patient to be more physically active for mental and physical reasons.
  • It helps a patient get "unstuck" when confronting difficult issues.
  • It spurs creative, deeper ways of thinking often released by mood-improving physical activity.